Abstract: The research is about the effects of quality control on Nestle Waters’ employees’ perception and attitudes. Descriptive research was used for this research along with the use of instruments like questionnaire, unstructured interviews, documentary analysis. The questionnaire that was used has five (5) parts namely: the technical portion of the QCC (quality control circle), the QCC process, effectiveness of the circle, general feelings about the QCC and the organization and lastly the background of respondents. Statistical treatments were used to process the data and answer the questions about the relationship of training adequacy to QC effectiveness and leadership in the QCC. Sub questions that were answered were the general feelings of the employees toward the QCC and the organization as well, the perception of the QCC members on job satisfaction and commitment to organizational goals and values. The employees were even asked to rate the contribution of the various people in the organization. The findings of the study when it comes to the relationship of training adequacy to QCC effectiveness and the leadership of the Quality Control Circle (QCC), shows that there is relationship between adequacy of training and QCC effectiveness. However, correlation between training adequacy and the leadership of QCC, is weak. On the general feeling of members towards the Quality Control Circle and the organization, the employees have a positive feelings and /or perceptions, same as when they were asked about Job satisfaction and commitment to organizational goals and values. Employees also believed that the contribution of various people in the organization is very important. Based from the findings, a set of conclusion and recommendations were given. Trainings are helpful for each and everyone in the company, and therefore, Nestle Waters should continue to give trainings based on the needs of the employee. For shaping future QCC leaders, an appropriate training should be given to them as employees of Nestle Waters perceived a lack of appropriate trainings to develop QCC leaders. On the general feelings of the respondents about the QCC and the Organization, the respondents gave positive responses that proved how happy they are with the organization and their commitment to put extra effort for the QCC. The organization should continue its practices to support this. About the perception of the QCC members on Job satisfaction and commitment to organizational goals and values, it is the conclusion of the researcher that respondents can see the importance that the employees are happy and satisfied about their job. Also it can be concluded that based from the responses of the employees, they believe that within the organization, everybody is important. Nestle waters should strengthen its programs that will further enhance commitment to work and job satisfaction as well as devise rewards program to further motivate its employees.
Keywords: Quality Control Circle, productivity, QCC effectiveness, Job satisfaction, Commitment, Organizational Goals and Values.